Tuesday, 13 August 2013

The Game Fair

All went well with camping at the Game Fair (we are all still doing our best to forget the campsite toilets) with all the dogs behaving impeccably and most of the humans did too :o)

Luckily the campsite was set on top of a hill and at the edge of a wooded area with lots of shade so we were all pretty comfortable but the actually Game Fair was down in a dip and as soon as we got down there it was as hot as h.......!  It was really well organised with water stand pipes everywhere to wet the dogs down so they didn't fair too badly, it was us humans that suffered the most.

We all did our stints on the Barbet Club stand and there was a lot of interest in the breed from people wanting to know more about them.

If you would like to hear more then go to the Awelymore website and Claude Barbet has written about the experience from his prospective - its VERY funny and well worth a read.

Heres some pictures for you:

The Barbet Club Stand

Lorraine, Julian,Graham, Wendy, Me and Karen with Rugby,Eton, Hallie,Hope,Martha Ebene,Claude and Anouk.

Julian having a funny turn :o)

In the ring

Ebene waiting for Rog to cook her breakfast

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