Wednesday, 26 August 2015

2 weeks

Time seems to be flying by and the new pups are 2 weeks old already!!  All of them have their eyes open now and its getting harder and harder to keep them away from Angel when she gets into the box and tries to lay down without squashing them :o)
They've all had their nails cut today which was no easy task as they as soooo wriggly but they will have to get used to having it done as its something that need to happen regularly.

Heres some more pictures that were taken today - I will be taking more over the next few days to try to show you their faces with their eyes open :o)

The collar colours are as follows:

The 4 brown roan pups are girls

Other girls have Red, Purple and Lilac collars

Boys have Green, Grey, Navy, Turquoise and Yellow collars.

This is the smallest girl (light pink collar) and we call her Little Angel because the patches on her back look like wings :0)


Monday, 24 August 2015

12 Days Video

Don't ask me why, I could get the video on the same page as the previous pictures - if I had a brain I'd be dangerous hahahaha :o)

12 Days

What a difference a couple of days make !!  They're getting around so much now and even though they haven't even got their eyes open yet they are out of their bed as quick as a flash when Mum  comes into the room - the time has come to put the door onto the front I think :o)

Friday, 21 August 2015

One week old

Not a lot of change happens in the first week as you can see, apart from that they are obviously growing and have more than doubled their birth weight.  They are a lot stronger and move around the box pretty quickly now much to Angels annoyance as she likes to keep them all in one place :o)  Their colour is also changing with the roan coming out more on the little brown girls and the orange patches are getting darker on the white and orange pups.

Angel is still being a very attentive mum but does now leave them for short periods of time to have a saunter round the field and of course Angel being Angel she can't resist chasing the swallows when they come over.  
Anyway hope you enjoy seeing these pictures that were taken on Wednesday/Thursday.

Monday, 17 August 2015

New pics

All pups are doing well so far and Angel is being a wonderful Mum.  Here are a couple of picture taken at the weekend.

Friday, 14 August 2015

New Arrivals

As the title suggests I'm happy to announce the safe arrival of Frank and Angels pups :). The birth was pretty much uneventful and Angel took it all in her stride when she got over the shock of having her first pup. When it was born she stared at it then stared at me and then back at the pup as if to say 'what the hell is that!!!' It was so funny to see and it took her a good ten minutes to realise what she had to do with it :). Thankfully by the time the second one arrived she knew what had to be done. Anyway the final score was 12 live babes - 4 Brown Roan girls, 3 Orange Roan girls and 5 Orange Roan boys. One pup was sadly stillborn but all the others thankfully are fit and healthy and feeding well.

Here a few pictures for you to be going on with for a while. They were taken when they were only a few hours old so please excuse Angel looking a bit mucky :)

I think we have thats crossed with a mountain goat :o)

Hope you enjoy looking at these pictures and of course I'll be putting more on in the days that follow.

Monday, 10 August 2015


Well countdown to blast off has begun.  Today the room was prepared, whelping box cleaned and put together in preparation for the big day.  Cant wait to welcome the new babies to the world but feeling rather nervous too :o)

These pictures were taken about a week ago so she's much larger now!

Angel is keeping well and as you could see from the video on the previous post she's  still running around like a loony!
For the last 4 weeks or so she's been enjoying all the visitors who have come to meet her, Frank and the rest of the gang with a view to taking one of her precious bundles into their lives.  No more visitors now until the babies are four weeks old :o)

Fingers crossed for an uneventful and safe delivery - watch this space :o)

Chasing Swallows

Thought you might like to see my lot having fun with the swallows on Saturday morning. Angel may be very large but she can still give em a run for their money :)