Sunday, 17 February 2013


I'm sooo happy to be able to announce that after having her ultra sound scan it has been confirmed that Ebene will be blessing us with a litter of puppies and they will be due around 21st March :o)
Daddy is the lovely Eton who full of fun and has the most wonderful nature.  More details are on the News page.  Obviously if you would like more details about this forthcoming litter then please feel free to give me a ring.

Novaforesta Eton
Can Ch Courailee Ebene

 These babies are coming sooner than expected as Ebene wasn't due to come into season until beginning of March but she obviously had other ideas and decided to bring it forward to January :o)
This has meant that as last year, there will be a litter of Barbets and a litter of Spinone here at the same time, so chaos will reign in a few weeks time when the babies are bombing around the house like loonies!!   Dori my Spinone girl was due in season in October which would have made a nice gap between the Spins and the Barbet babies but she chose to wait until January too, so all my plans went out the window as they say :o)  Fingers crossed it will have stopped raining by May so they can all run in the garden as well as in the house.   Wish me luck folks, I'm gonna need it :o)